What is the Baudouin C2002 speed controller?
This speed controller comes with most Baudouin engines. It is an electronic governor used to control the engines fuel supply. It has various adjustable parameters to enable stable running. If your engine does not have this speed controller, it may have a Baudouin ECU instead.
How do I adjust the Baudouin C2002 speed controller?
The speed controller should be adjusted by someone qualified to do so. Under no circumstances should you adjust the speed controller unless you have experience in setting speed controllers.
The speed controller has 7 settings, all adjustable by potentiometers. These are hidden behind the rubber bungs, which should be removed prior to trying to adjust the unit. These should be fitted back later after adjustment is complete.
For the best setup, you should use a load bank connected tot he generator to prove the settings during and after complete setup.
We could also recommend recording the starting positions so you can reset if you have trouble.
Guidance for New 4M10 Baudouin Engines and C2002 Controller
1) Set the speed of the engine to 50Hz using the SPEED POT.
2) Set the SPEED RAMP POT to half way.
3) Unless you have black smoke on start up, you shouldn't need to adjust the STARTING FUEL POT.
4) Leave the STABILITY POT as it is
5) Turn the GAIN POT up until the engine starts to hunt, then turn back until stable and a tiny bit more.
6) Run the engine on load and allow it to heat up, then remove load and check stable; adjust stability a little more if required.
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