Starting Perkins 1506A Engine Range
The Perkins 1506A Engine range if not started in the correct sequence may experience poor starting. It is therefore essential that the control on the engine is correctly programmed so as to ensure good starting in each event.
The Perkins 1506A engine range seems to need some time after the ECU is powered on before cranking. We therefore suggest a 5 second delay timer on the crank in order that the engine is given time to initialize.
* Note that cranking can be inhibited via the ECU's Crank Disable output, but this requires a controller that can accept a positive output for such a situation. The DSE 7000 series does not at the time of writing have any way of accepting a Crank Disable output from this engine, so the only solution is a timer delay. Note that Crank Delay timer is not at the time of writing available on the DSE 7120, so a 7220 must be used instead. *
Additional Notes
For this engine range, we also recommend the fitting of a suitably sized non-return valve when using this engine range, if the fuel system was not supplied by Welland. If the fuel system was supplied by Welland, then there will already be a non-return valve fitted in the system.
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