What is the Leroy Somer LSA52.3 L9 Alternator?
The Leroy Somer LSA52.3 L9 is a part of the LSA52.3 series. The 4 pole, dual speed alternator has a rigid design which helps it withstand the vibrations from the generator set. It has been designed so that it is well suited for a variety of generator set applications.
The excitation system on the alternator is an AREP (auxiliary wound) system.
Where is the Leroy Somer LSA52.3 L9 Alternator currently manufactured?
This alternator is currently produced in the Czech Republic.
Need a generator? Our UK manufactured diesel generators include this alternator.
What is the power rating of the Leroy Somer LSA52.3 L9 Alternator?
The prime power output is 2360 kVA and the standby power output is 2596 kVA (50 Hz). The power factor is 0.8.
Where can I find further information on the Leroy Somer LSA52.3 L9 Alternator?
The alternator has a shaft height of 450 mm.
The maximum efficiency is 96.7 %.
The protection rating is IP23.
How is the quality of the Leroy Somer LSA52.3 L9 Alternator assured?
It is made to the ISO 9001 certification.
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